Our friends that are leaving town to take a head coaching job had a party thanking all of their friends for the past eight years they have lived here. We offered to have it at our place since we have lots of room to move around on our almost 2 acres. They catered BBQ. I just decorated the tables in a red, white & black color scheme (their new school colors). It was an awesome party! We had 50+ guests. The weather was wonderful. We were honored to have the party at our house, it was a small gesture of appreciation to the family that has enriched our lives so much!
My sweet boss let me borrow lots of her galvanized pieces and glassware for the event!
The borrowed milk carrier made a perfect holder for cups, & plastic ware! I used some of my old athletic baskets for holding bread.
I didn't make these cute cakes. I could have, because I've got all the stuff and the know-how. I'm proud of myself for not volunteering for that! The cakes came from one of the friends of the moving family.

The bar decorated with sweets.
I had the flower centerpiece left over from a Pre-K Graduation party the night before that I had decorated. I had pictures of my pre-k son in the center of the pics. So, I thought it was so cute that I just took the faces of our friend's sons and put them in the flowers. To make the flowers, I simply took a clipart picture from the internet, printed them, cut them out and hot glued them to silk flower stems w/leaves. I put a few real red flowers in the picket fence holder and placed moss around the base of the flowers. It was a quick, fun project!
We had red candies to go with the color scheme (cherry sours, licorice, and red hots). The chocolate animal crackers were also a big hit! I didn't even know until about a month ago that chocolate animal crackers even existed. They are super yummy!
My friend had taken a picture of her boys, holding pennants with their new school on it. She used it as the invitation to the party. I used the photo in several locations in the house for decoration. Here I placed it in a cheap 99 cent frame from Walmart & stuck it in a grapevine wreath. I placed some left over Mother's Day flowers and used some red gingham to tie up the project for some welcoming front door decor.
The favorite activity for the 30+ kids that were there was climbing trees and pushing a ride-on car around (the battery bit the dust). The were so fun to watch. Surprisingly, there were no injuries that night!!
I was at a loss as to what to get our friends for a going away present. Finally, I came up with an idea to give them a customized address book. So, I took the photo of the boys holding the pennants and took it to Office Max. There I purchased the guts to a planner that had an address book section. The Office Max worker printed the picture I had saved on my pin drive on cardstock and bound it all together. I had it laid out at the party and all the guests wrote in their addresses. It turned out really nice and only cost me about $15.
We will miss our friends very much!