lovey dovey

I love my family!

I am a wife, mother of three beautiful boys, and a middle school administrator. At times, I have mistakenly tried to achieve perfection in each role. These attempts always fail miserably because there is no such thing as a perfect wife, a perfect mom or a perfect worker! I decided to relinquished my pursuit of perfection…I can say without guilt that my shortcomings are vast and my mistakes many. Embracing my imperfections and turning my life over to God has been freeing and led to a sweeter life. I found that when I quit trying so hard, that SOMETIMES things magically fall into place and for brief moments I am “Supermom.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Making a pallet.

Remember when as a kid when making a pallet was so much fun? Now, the very thought of resting on the hard floor makes my bones hurt. But there is something still fun about laying a nice, cool quilt out and watching tv. Our three boys beg for us to make a pallet for them now. From time to time, they ask to be able to sleep in the living room on a pallet or at the foot of our bed on one. Sometimes we oblige. Now being boys, just as soon as they lie down, they are fighting over the cover complaining about the other one's feet touching them, etc. The good thing is, they also still giggle over a silly joke, hug and fall asleep side-by-side. There isn't anything sweeter than two little brothers asleep next to each makes you forget the constant fighting for a moment.  :) 

Cannon (4), Ryan (8), & Parker (4 months)
Notice the older two each have their own less thing to fight over!

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