lovey dovey

I love my family!

I am a wife, mother of three beautiful boys, and a middle school administrator. At times, I have mistakenly tried to achieve perfection in each role. These attempts always fail miserably because there is no such thing as a perfect wife, a perfect mom or a perfect worker! I decided to relinquished my pursuit of perfection…I can say without guilt that my shortcomings are vast and my mistakes many. Embracing my imperfections and turning my life over to God has been freeing and led to a sweeter life. I found that when I quit trying so hard, that SOMETIMES things magically fall into place and for brief moments I am “Supermom.”

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mummy and Sons

With football season in full force, the boys and I miss their dad when he's gone working so much.  I've found if we keep busy the time passes quicker and he's home before we know it.  With Halloween right around the corner, the boys and I decided to make mummies for our front porch.  I had some bed slats that weren't quite long enough, so were pretty much useless until the light bulb went off in my head to turn them into mummies.  I know, who looks at bed slats and says mummies. 

All you need to make your own is pieces of wood, white spray paint, cheesecloth, felt pieces, and glue gun.  First spray the wood pieces.  (I always wear latex gloves when I spray paint so I don't get it all over my hands.)  We decided to make a mummy family that looked like us, so I cut the pieces down to varying heights and added felt decorations that matched our personalities.  Daddy mummy has a whistle around his neck, mommy mummy has a bow, and each boy mummy has a sports ball.  The boys really had a fun time with this!

Ummm, I couldn't find the tool I was looking for, so I had to use this weird handsaw to cut the boards.  It worked ok, but boy did I get a workout!

Once the paint drys, attach eyes made of felt on the board.

  Use a dab of hot glue to hold the cheesecloth in place at the top. 

  Next, wrap the boards in strips of cheesecloth, using another dab of glue at bottom to hold it all in place.  This project was really easy, the boys were able to make their own mummies.    

Our mummies welcome our guests. 

The mummy theme is continued on our door mat. 

Mummy & sons with the one we like spending time with best...Dad! 


  1. Very cute, you really made me smile with this one! Thanks so much for sharing on Craft schooling Sunday, great to see you!
